G O V E R N M E N T E T H I C S L A W |
GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS LAW IN CANADAA SITE PREPARED BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS LAW PROJECT* GREGORY J. LEVINE, PH.D., LL.B.** NOTICE: THIS WEB SITE IS UNDER REDEVELOPMENT - ONLY THIS INTRODUCTORY PAGE IS ONLINE AT HTTP://WWW.GOVTETHICSLAW/ AT THIS TIME. THE FULL SITE WILL BE REESTABLISHED AT THIS DOMAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE NEWS: The second edition of G.J. Levine's book on government ethics law is now available from Carswell/Canada Law Book: The Law of Government Ethics: Federal, Ontario and British Columbia - Second Edition NOTE G.J. Levine's book on Ombudsman legislation is avaliable from Carswell: Ombudsman Legislation in Canada: An Annotation and Appraisal NOTE: G.J. Levine's book on municipal ethics regimes is available from Municipal World: Municipal Ethics Regimes News: G.J. Levine was one of two experts who particpated in a review of the federal Conflict of Interest Act in 2013 and in a review of the BC Members Conflict of Interest Act in 2012. ANNOUNCEMENT: G.J. Levine has served as Integrity Commissioner for the Cities of Kitchener, Waterloo, and Welland, the Municipality of Lambton Shores, the Township of West Lincoln and the County of Brant. His contract with West Lincoln expired about two years ago and he sought no renewal. Similalrly, the remaining five contracts will all expire by the end of September, 2016 and he is seeking no further renewal. Greg Levine will retire from Municipal Integrity Commissioner work as of the end of September, 2016. This site is intended to provide information concerning aspects of governmental ethics law in Canada and to provide links to other sites which contain such information. The primary foci are: conflict of interest,lobbying, access to information, privacy, and administrative fairness. CONFLICT OF INTEREST PREVENTION * This project and site are not funded by government agencies or any agency thereof or any private sector organization. This effort is solely personal at this time and is intended to foster interest in this area of law. The author of this site and this project neither warrants the information contained herein or in the linked sites nor indemnifies any use of this site or the sites to which it is linked. It is for informational purposes only and should not be taken to be legal advice nor to represent the legal position of organizations in which the author works or volunteers or has worked or volunteered. ** © Gregory James Levine, 2016 Site Last Updated: January 19, 2016 |